I have a bad case of the post vacation-blahs. I got in late Saturday night. My husband picked me up at the airport - and of course his phone wasn't working so I couldn't call him and say "I'm here" so he drove in circles and I stressed out. But we met on the curb outside baggage claim around 11pm. Upon arriving home, I was tired but couldn't sleep so was up late.
Sunday I got up at a semi normal time and dealt with shopping (I am not sure what my husband ate while I was gone but he didn't leave much behind for me - he even mentioned the lack of vegetables). I also unpacked, did laundry, sort of put things away, watered plants, etc. We did go out for a walk as well. My back wsn't so sure it liked it but I managed to get through it. I did resume my exercises.
Monday I was home by myself. My goal was to work from home for 4-5 hours in the morning. By the time I motivated and got organized it was 1230pm. So much for that idea. I even did my exercises
Tuesday, yesterday, I went to my job at the office and was incredibly busy. I also forgot my anti depressant, and some other pills, so was some what stressed and had a headache by the time I left. I never remembered my exercises either. I was very unsettled last night - just wasn't able to relax and just not feeling that great. Finally I fell a sleep and did sleep well.
This morning, I do need to do some work but also have several errands to run. I did make it through my morning walk and pondered why I feel so out of sorts - I have the post vacation blahs. I need a vacation to recover from my vacation. We relaxed too much. But that's not for another few weeks. In the meantime, I need to start doing my exercises again daily, stop forgetting to take all my damn pills, and even fit in a few doctor appointments. Life returns to normal.
1 comment:
Glad you're getting back into your routines.
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