Sunday, July 1, 2007

Since about 5 people have asked

The significance of having positive lymph nodes means that it has started to spread. The first place it spreads usually is to the sentinel lymph nodes (the ones that drain the breast) and then moves to other places. Having one positive node means they need to check them all. The more positive lymph nodes you have the worse it is. Then they have to start testing and seeing where else it might have spread - usually lungs, bones, and liver first.

However, the amount of cancer in the one node is very small. Also, I have already had a bone scan (test for bone cancer) and it was clean. I think my chest x-ray was also clean as no one has told me other wise. If you want to learn more about breast cancer and how it spreads and is treated visit

Enough morbid stuff so early in the day. Yesterday I beat Walter at mini-golf!!!!! Hah!

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I Started a New Blog

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