Friday, June 3, 2011


I am confused. The Department of Agriculture has changed the food pyramid to a plate. I think they should stop changing it and work on explaining what they really mean we should eat. If you go look at the new 'plate', we are supposed to have protein, grains, vegetables, fruit and dairy. I don't eat that much in any one meal. My breakfast this morning will be egg beaters with spinach and some melon. Okay, so I am getting protein, vegetables, and fruit. The only dairy would be from the skim milk in my coffee or I could add some cheese. I don't have any grains... Should I add toast to my meal?

I don't know what I am eating for lunch today because we will get take out at work. It will probably be a salad with some protein on it. No fruit. No dairy unless it includes cheese. No grain unless it eat bread too.

Dinner tonight we are going out as well - more eating out than usual - and we are going to a seafood restaurant. I will have a salad first because I always do, then some kind of fish with vegetables on the side. Not sure about dairy, grains, or fruit.

The whole point of these recommendations is for Americans to eat right and not to eat too much. So why do I need to add to my meal to make sure I get everything I need? More food means more calories.

You will note there is no dessert section or chocolate section. Clearly they must be overlooked. But if you are confused just like me, be sure to look at the history of the dietary recommendations on the CNN article. Or if you want to see how the government clarifies this, go to the official plate website at I am sure they will do a governmental job of explaining...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The plate is a symbol of one's entire diet over the course of time--- not one meal! It is supposed to be a visual reminder of the percentages of kinds of nutrients a body needs to stay healthy. Your diet sounds like the poster child for excellent nutrition, so please be reassured. The reason the artist has no dessert on the plate is that sweets are supposed to be a very very small percentage of what one eats. The USDA is trying to simplify, using one art work, the complexities of what we know about nutrition. Robin

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