My blog is four years old today. This means my breast cancer diagnosis was four years and two days ago (it took me two days to figure out that I wanted a blog and how to get started). I was told breast cancer is a year out of your life. Well why am I still blogging? More importantly why are you people all still reading whoever you are?
And the year out of my life has stretched out into four years. Not due to cancer but due to the fact that my body has decided it is not ready to be healthy any time soon. It started with a little lump, two surgeries, and chemo and I had a new lump which meant another surgery. Then radiation which was followed by unrelated abdominal pain which turned out to be a hiatal hernia and gall stones which led to gall bladder surgery. Then my back started causing problems, I sprained my ankle, fell on my knee, blood pressure and pulse issues, and I am sure I missed a few other things in there but it will suffice to say that they have been dealt with in a couple hundred doctor appointments, medical adventures, tests, and physical therapy sessions. Needless to say I still have lots more of cancer cootie detection sessions in my future.
But I am still here and still writing and for some reason all of you are still reading.
On a more positive note, yesterday's medical adventure which was to be part one of three, turned out to be part one of one. Apparently the injections have to be put through to insurance as a three part series but once approved my insurance will cover it as a single injection. I said so you mean I wouldn't have to come back two more times? I was all for that.
The injection itself wasn't bad and the nurse was very good at distracting me. I was told it wouldn't hurt after - well that was WRONG. It wasn't pain, it was pressure inside my knee to the extent that I couldn't straighten or bend my leg fully and it was more painful than before. Apparently I also looked like I might pass out so they made me stay there with an ice pack for about 30 minutes until the color returned to my face. And they offered me juice, ginger ale, crackers, and water several times.
I eventually hobbled out to my car and drove home with an ice pack on my knee and ended up on the living room couch for the evening with my ice pack. Today its a little uncomfortable but not bad. I have no big plans for the day on purpose so I will take it easy and ice my knee some more.
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I Started a New Blog
I started this blog when I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2007. Blogging really helped me cope with my cancer and its treatment. Howe...
I started this blog when I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2007. Blogging really helped me cope with my cancer and its treatment. Howe...
This is the misunderstood side of my life - how I live with limitations. The other day, I visited my mother who also has RA. We went for a w...
I'm finally back in the blogosphere. (I'm not sure I like that term but I'll use it). Blogging really helps me cope with life. I...
Congratulations! Happy 4th Birthday to your blog!!
Congrats! Great to stumble on your blog! Have you heard of Freedom of Access to Medicines? The non-profit leading the effort against the FDA from disproving the drug Avastin this month which is currently helping 17,500 women with Metastatic Breast Cancer survive. Please sign and share the urgent petition:
we found your blog and are inspired by your story. Wanted to thank you for sharing this with us and to let you know that we have added your blog to blogroll. It can be found on our home page footer and within the pages of our own blog. Keep writing - your bravery is truly inspiring!
The Breast Cancer Discovery Staff
Congratulations and keep on blogging!
Caroline, I read your blog because:
1. I am six months past a double mastectomy and into chemo with radiation to come.
2. I am a nurse and I appreciate your view of what patient's like you and I go through
3. BUT most importantly each blog entry I read makes me smile and I need that these days.
Congratulations! I salute you, Caroline. Your writing is always honest. You give the rest of us cancer "survivors" permission to be honest with the world as well, even if that means being cynical and a little grumpy about the current state of treatment, prevention and research.
I send you a big cyber hug! Keep up the great blogging.
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