Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I survived bureaucracy and other miscellany

Yesterday was a big day. I survived dealing with many bureaucracies. First I dealt with our favorite, the registry of motor vehicles. I had to find out about selling our old car - did we need to have the actual title or not. Of course they don't put this piece of information on line - as that would be HELPFUL. I got to call and be on hold for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes a car salesman beeped in and I was able to renegotiate the price of our new car. But the registry cut me off of hold during that call so I had to call back and wait and additional 20 minutes to speak to someone for 10 seconds to find out what I needed.

Then I dealt with the car dealer and got to fill in lots of paperwork. (I do admit to a tiny bit of chemo brain as I drove right by the dealer, even though I was there on Sunday...) Nothing like a heart stopping moment when they say 'your deposit check won't go through!' Yikes, I gave him my debit card instead and called the back at the same time. My first thought was that someone compromised our account and we have no money left. But the money is there. That got my pulse going. Stupid little check checking machine.

Then I picked up a friend's son at the airport to get him checked in for college (and his mother thought he was lost and wasn't answering his phone but the battery was dead...) Then we got him checked into his 'lovely' cinder block dorm room. (I also admit to going the 'long way' home as the stupid ramp I wanted was closed due to road construction but I beat rush hour traffic which is the most important thing.)

I also managed to write up a bill of sale so we could sell Walter's old car, find the title to the car, and arrange for someone to come buy it.

(Did you notice I managed to fit in taking more pictures of my garden to bore you all?)

All in one day. I do feel accomplished. I also got some work done. But I didn't get all the work done I needed. Today I have to get caught up. but I also need to go for my morning walk, take my car for an oil change, and get to my support group. How am I suppsed to have time to play on line if I have to work too??? Grr...

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