Monday, October 13, 2014

Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day

Today is Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day. One day in the middle of all the pinkness for the kind of breast cancer which kills people. Once cancer metastasizes, the patient choices get very limited. They can be treated by one medication for a while and then the tumors will grow resistant and the cancer continues to grow. It becomes an eternal cycle that only ends when the patient dies.

That is metastatic breast cancer - the one that kills you.  This is where we need more research and more funding. Take all that money spent on pinkification and spend it on metastatic breast cancer.

So if you have money to spend on a pink thing, write a check and donate it to the breast cancer research at the American Cancer Society or the Breast Cancer Research Foundation and put a request with your donation that it be used for metastatic breast cancer research.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have a very good point. I've read an article by an alternative cancer treatment center and there I learned why there's a need for raising awareness for breast cancer and the other types as well. I think compared to how this campaign started, we've all come a long way and now I bet it's time to start getting serious and start encouraging people to take part in this breast cancer movement. How? Well as you said, by supporting researchers to finally find a cure for this disease.

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