Friday, February 13, 2015

Young adults and cancer

I can relate to young adults with cancer. I wish the organizations that exist now existed in the early 1980s. But since there was not internet and we paid for long distance calls, it would probably have been by paper mail. And all the support groups were full of  'old people'.

I saw this article in a recent email from Cure Magazine (and I'll say it again, if you have cancer and do not read this, you are really missing out on a great resource) and of course I had to read it. Its a review for a new book by Dr. Anne Katz called "This Should Not Be Happening: Young Adults with Cancer".

In general I like the idea of this book. From what the review says it touches on many of the areas that are key for young adults with cancer - sexuality, fertility, and body image - but I have a concern.

There is no evidence given that she was ever a young adult with cancer. I am a firm believer in 'if you haven't walked the walk, you cannot talk the talk'. Now I am sure she wouldn't publish her medical history on her website, but it would be nice to know if she could relate from the first person point of view.

So I am going to put it on my reading list but am put off by this one little issue.

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