Thursday, September 23, 2010

Medication only works if you take it

Yesterday I had a long, stressful, tiring day. Then when I finally got home after 8 pm I realized the cause. I forgot to take my anti depressants. Oh, and my back was hurting. Well I forgot to take my pain pills. And I forgot to do my damn exercises. No wonder. Medication only works if you take it. I need to remember this.

I need to remember lots of things. I need to buy flour if I want to make bread - I finally remembered to buy yeast after about a month. I need to remember to make an appointment for the car to have an oil change. I need to remember some other things I forgot and therefore can't remember...

Today I am off to work and will be home in time for dinner. The past two nights I have had meetings which have made my days too long, tiring me out. I hope to have time to go for a walk today as well.

I need a brain sometimes.


Dee said...

Caroline, thank you for weighing in on the port issue. How long have you yours?

I am sorry to hear about your mrmory issues . . . There may be strategies out there to helpmyou?

Debby said...

Post it notes. I have them all around the house. Post it notes.

Meds? You know what I began doing? I would always get to rushing around and walk out the door forgetting to take them. So I have a little pill container which snaps on an inside pouch of my school back pack. If I forget, I have them with me. I've only forgotten them once since I've begun doing this, and as I poured them out of the container I did think ruefully to myself: I wonder how long it will take me to remember to refill the container...

I Started a New Blog

I started this blog when I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2007. Blogging really helped me cope with my cancer and its treatment. Howe...