Sunday, May 10, 2009

Another rocket scientist

In an attempt to prove that we really do have a life, last night we went into Boston, had dinner and then went to a comedy show (but we went to the 7pm show because we are basically wimps). It was a nice night. We even took the subway into Boston - but avoided the area where the driver was texting and crashing subway cars. (Personally I think he should be fired and prosecuted criminally but that's another story.)

We went to a British pub type place which advertised English pints of beer. That is 20 oz. which is a bit more beer than I wanted but they did have some good British beer on tap. I said to the waitress (a/k/a rocket scientist) 'do you have half pints of beer?' Having been to England, I know they usually sell beer in pints and half pints. Her reply (and I am not making this up) 'No, we don't have half pints. We have 10 oz glasses.' I said 'fine, I'll have a 10 oz glass'. Last I heard 10 was half of 20 so if they have 20 oz pints, 10 oz would be a half pint. Needless to say I got a small glass of British beer which is what I wanted.

Then when she brought our meals, Walter wanted a small beer. He said 'can I have a 10 oz Guinness?' Her reply (and I'm not making this up) 'do you mean a half pint?' Apparently somewhere between our appetizers and our entree's delivery, she learned the that half an imperial 20 oz pint is 10 oz.

Anyway, we had a nice evening drove the ten minutes home from the subway in the middle of a torrential thunderstorm. But I did get a good night's sleep last night and feel much more human today. Yesterday I was a 'touch crabby' and was informed that if I didn't take a nap before we went, we weren't going.

Today, I only have a few billion things to do - perhaps I will be a 'touch crabby' again if I am not careful. I am going to the grocery store, the farm stand, for a walk, do some gardening, fold laundry, help my mother at her art show this afternoon, and send a thank you note with writing samples from my job interview Friday.

This actually has me in a quandry. The woman I interviewed with asked for writing samples so I gave her two press releases I had written. She said she wants more and wants me to send her links to things on line with explanations of my contribution. Most of the stuff I have written in recent years has been background materials which are not on line and the stuff I wrote earlier (before everything went online) I only have in hard copy. So my plan is to dig through my archives (a/k/a the piles of crap in my office) and find some samples to send her snail mail with a nice note. At any rate it has to go out today so that she gets it before she leaves on vacation for 2.5 weeks.

1 comment:

Debby said...

Well, at least she was a teachable one...

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