Tuesday, September 2, 2008

What to do, what to do, what to do?

Well, now what am I supposed to do with my time. I just landed yet another part time job that means I will be working around a total of 30 hours per week. This means I have just enough spare time to fit in the rest of my life - doctor appointments, farmers market trips, daily walks, support groups, etc - but I don't have to look for a job any more. No more 'wasting time' on line job hunting. How exciting. Perhaps what I really should do is consider getting a life. Now there's a concept.

Speaking of pointless activities and time wasting, I found this video on line this weekend. They actually did a study to find out if most cows point north. Seriously, is this worth funding a study? I really like the part where they say cows point towards the people observing them. So they had to resort to a helicopter....

Anyhow, yesterday was another productive day. Lots of gardening and a yummy dinner in the back yard. Today Walter goes back to work (but who gets to drive the new car.... Hmmm.... negotiations will have to take place). Today I was supposed to go to work this morning but the school has an electrical problem so no work there but I do have lots of other work to do. But first, time for my morning walk.

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